CIEL S.P.A. Costruzioni Impianti Elettromeccanici


Organization, management and control model

Legislative Decree 231 of 8 June 2001 introduced into the legal system the administrative liability of Entities – including capital companies – for certain irregularities committed by directors, managers or employees in the interest or to the advantage of the Entity itself.

Being sensitive to the need to ensure correctness and transparency in conducting company procedures and business activities, C.I.EL. has adopted its own Organizational Model in order to define a structured set of rules and checks that must be followed in order to achieve the corporate purpose in compliance with the laws in force.

Company and all those who interact with it to ensure that their conduct is based on the utmost legality, in line with the ethical and social values on which the company bases the achievement of its objectives.

MOD 231 C.I.EL. S.p.A. General Part